Mōhua Ventures
Mōhua Ventures, the company building the Tākaka Cohousing Neighbourhood, is a charitable housing developer.
Mōhua Ventures is dedicated to creating community through building cohousing neighbourhoods. The experience of cohousing revolves around forging deep bonds with neighbours, sharing resources, participating in collective activities, and offering mutual support throughout life's journey.
We construct environmentally friendly, sustainable homes designed to enhance wellbeing and encourage connections among residents. Our aspiration is to develop a replicable model of sustainable living through building cohousing developments that tread lightly on the earth.
Our Purpose, Values & Team
Mohua Ventures is the charitable development company building the Tākaka Cohousing Neighbourhood. We are owned by a charitable trust (Te Hapori Hauora) which ensures that we build healthy homes at cost. These homes prioritise the health, connectivity, and wellbeing of our residents, as well as the care for the land.
We craft homes for intergenerational communities, making it simpler for people of diverse backgrounds to enter the housing market.
Opposite are our objectives as a development company:
Our commitment is to construct homes with high sustainability standards to ensure we are building healthy homes.
Our designs prioritise communal interactions and the fostering of connections, alongside creating privacy for our residents.
Establishing trust with our residents and the surrounding community is fundamental to our approach.
We develop meaningful and trusting partnerships with mana whenua
Throughout our journey, we plan to open source our practices and help guide other communities in creating their own housing initiatives.
As a purpose-driven housing developer, we are committed to supporting the health of the whenua and community through regenerative and replicable cohousing models. Our team are committed to the values of kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga and courage.
Our Values
We commit to caring for the land for future generations, making a difference, developing belonging, community, and wellness for land and people.
It takes courage to change a system. We are working towards shifting the housing landscape in Aotearoa towards building more sustainable healthy homes.
We approach all of our relationships with residents, contractors, and the wider community with care and respect.
Te Hapori Hauora
Mōhua Community Land Trust
Me mahi tahi tātou mō te oranga o te katoa.
We are working together for the wellbeing of everyone.
Mōhua Ventures is solely owned by Te Hapori Hauora, a Community Land Trust and registered charity.
Te Hapori Hauora provides regenerative solutions for the Mōhua region through modelling sustainable living solutions, land regeneration, purpose-driven enterprise and education.
Te Hapori Hauora governs the land surrounding the cohousing neighbourhoods and has a tripartite structure, with representatives from each neighbourhood, mana whenua, and the wider Mōhua community.
The Trust’s values are Collaboration, Care, and Honouring Te Tiriti O Waitangi.
We want to tread as lightly as we can and regenerate this whenua for the generations that follow. We want these communities to be an example of how living in this way is possible for many in Aotearoa.
Each neighbourhood will have its own wairua (life force) co-created by its residents.
Contact us
Sales Office:
Cnr. Rototai Rd and Meihana St.
Tākaka, 7110