Start your cohousing journey
Are you interested in the cohousing lifestyle? Would you like to know more? Below you will find our process and how you can start your journey.
The Process
1: Read the Website & Blog
Browse the rest of our website to learn more about cohousing. Our blog has a lot of information about how the cohousing neighbourhoods operate. The FAQ’s below are also a great place to start.
2: Fill out the Interest Form
To express your interest in joining this cohousing community, please complete the form by clicking the button below or reach out to us via email at kiaora@takakacohousing.co.nz
3: Online Presentation or Site Tour
Attending an online presentation or site tour is an excellent opportunity for you to ask all the questions you have to determine if the cohousing lifestyle is right for you.
Cohousing is an intentional community of people, with their homes connected with shared space and owning shared resources. This lifestyle forms a strong sense of belonging which is proven to lead to longer, happier, healthier lives.
Read more about cohousing on our Cohousing Page
The first neighbourhood in the Tākaka Cohousing development has adopted a form of consensus decision-making that is utilised at Earthsong (AKL) and the Tui Community (Golden Bay), using a coloured card system that is inclusive to everybody.
Read more on our blog
Te Hapori Hauora - Mōhua Community Land Trust (“the Trust”) is the sole shareholder of Mōhua Ventures Ltd. Mōhua Ventures Ltd is a charitable organisation building cohousing developments that harness connection and wellbeing. Te Hapori Hauora owns all of the land surrounding the cohousing neighbourhoods. The Trust has a tripartite governance structure - with equal representatives for residents, wider community and mana whenua.
Read more about Te Hapori Hauora on the About Us page
You own your home and the land immediately underneath your home. This forms your unit title as part of a Body Corporate. You have an equal share in the common land and facilities with other home owners under the same Body Corporate.
Learn more about our legal and financing on our blog.
Complete an expression of interest form and one of our team will get in touch with you with details of how to progress. The next step will be to have a 1-2-1 with one of our team.
Complete this interest form to start the process of connecting with our team.
Yes, the neighbourhoods each have a Cohousing Agreement, it’s one of the founding documents that describes the different policies that the individual communities create, such as the pet policy.
Yes, it’s very important that pets are part of the community as pets can be whānau. There is a pet policy that provides guidelines of how to manage pets when living in community.
Yes, residents are allowed to sell their home. The Trust gets first refusal to buy your home back at market rate and if not purchased by the Trust then it can be sold on the open market.
Yes, you can. The conditions are that it must be long term (e.g. at least 12 months) so that we are not further perpetuating the housing challenges of Golden Bay and so that tenants must sign the cohousing agreement and actively participate in community life. No AirBnB or holiday home rental allowed.
Contact us
Sales Office:
Cnr. Rototai Rd and Meihana St.
Tākaka, 7110